Thursday, September 17, 2009
Friday, April 03, 2009
I have to say that I didn't actually write that post on March 05, I started to work on it but couldn't finish it until March 30 so the timeline makes more sense. But that isn't the reason for the amendment, the real reason for the amendment is that I stated that Karis did not have any teeth and well she got her first tooth yesterday. My girl is tough because she did not complain at all, no fowl mood, just a little bit of a diaper rash and a lot of slober. Thats why we were caught off quard. My little toothless suzi is now a toothy lucy!
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5:01 PM
Thursday, March 05, 2009
8 months
I can't believe she is 8 months, boy time just flies by. Enjoy every moment because it goes so fast!!! All she wants to do is walk or stand . I never crawled and went straight to walking so we think she is going to follow in my footsteps (no pun intended ok maybe a little intended ;-) She can only walk if we are holding her hands, she can't walk on her own yet but I say in the next months she will be. She just starting to get into position for crawling but she rather walk. She is a jatter box especially when it is time to go to sleep, she loves Bella and wants to pet Dutch (Graham's cat) all the time. She still has no teeth, her hair is finally growing, she has little wisps around her ears. She adores her dadda and I think Graham was born to be a father, he is so amazing with her. He lives for her! Here are some pictures of her over the last couple of months:
Yes, its her middle finger but she has no clue, but this picture shows the hair she is getting. I love the picture below because I am usually the one behind the camera and so I finally get a picture with my sweet pea.
I just read Marley and Me and the dog so reminds me of Bella but this picture just makes me think about the relationship between a dog and the children in their lives. I love this picture.
Karis has been such a joy, and such a wonderful daughter. She is always happy and such an easy going baby. She makes be proud day after day, hour after hour and minute after minute. She is such a blessing, my life is forever changed.
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6:11 PM
Thursday, January 22, 2009
6 months
I know I skipped a month but 5 months was on Christmas Eve. The last two months have gone by so fast and Karis is changing every day. We are soo loving this stage right now, she is extremely interactive, making sounds and laughing at us but she doesn't talk back yet! She is sort of mobile, she rolls over and she is pushing her butt in the air to get ready to crawl. We had to start her on rice cereal 2 weeks ago because she was not sleeping through the night, one night she got every hour and half. Rice cereal has done the trick! Graham loves feeding her, she goes wild when he comes around with a bowl.
We still can't believe that she is going to be six months, thats half a year! It feels so sureal because it has gone by so quickly that putting it the context of a year it really makes us step back and go, whooo.
Oh well I wanted to check in and give a little update but honestly, long posts aren't going to happen a lot because I much rather be spending time with my wonderful, amazing daughter.
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6:56 PM